Registration fees
Early registration (Until October 15 2019) |
Late registration (After October 15 2019) |
Regular registration | 300 € | 350 € |
Vietnamese Reseachers (non author/co-author) working in Vietnam | 100 € | 150 € |
Accompanying person | 75 € | 100 € |

Registration conditions
- At least one author per paper should register. Papers that do not have a registered author who paid the fees by October 05, 2019 will be excluded from the proceedings.
- One registration gives the right to present one paper.
- Regular registration fees include:
- Access right to the conference
- Conference Proceeding of one Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Springer volume
- Coffee break refreshments
- Two lunches
- Conference dinner entrance
- Accompanying person registration fees include:
- Conference dinner entrance
- Early (resp. late) registration fees must be paid by October 15, 2019 (resp. October 30, 2019).
- Participants claiming early registration will be requested to prove that the bank transfer order was carried out by the deadline in case the fees arrive later.
- The registration fees can not be refunded.

Payement information
Payment by bank transfer : all bank charges have to be paid at your expense. The details of the bank account will be given once the registration is done. Please indicate in payment details: "ICCAMA 2019", your full name and your paper's ID (in case of author's registration)

Registration form